Hazel Wagner

Mind Mapping & Visual Thinking

Hazel has 4 degrees and a Ph.D in mathematics. She has1.7 million views of her TEDxNaperville talk, and her passion in life is learning. Hazel will share her best secrets to understanding, memorization, and retention.

Ideashop has a limit of 30 people per session.

Hazel Wagner, Ph.D., MBA, CMC is a lifelong learner. She has four college degrees including a Ph.D. in mathematics from Northwestern University, which she earned while raising three children. She’s published four books on mathematics and business, including Power Brainstorming and Business, Brains, and B.S. She’s a cancer survivor, a volunteer, an entrepreneur, a pioneer in Criterion Referenced Testing in education, and a researcher on how people learn difficult subjects in mathematics.Hazel has spoken and written on the subjects of critical thinking, innovation, decision-making, marketing, business strategy, and leadership, and taught related subjects for the American Management Association, Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Cardean University, and DePaul’s Graduate School of Business.Hazel specializes in a concept called mind mapping, teaching others how to use it to augment and enhance their memory, studies, planning, and more. Hazel is also a  TEDxNaperville 2018 Speaker Alumnus.TwitterLinkedIn

Hazel Wagner, Ph.D., MBA, CMC is a lifelong learner. She has four college degrees including a Ph.D. in mathematics from Northwestern University, which she earned while raising three children. She’s published four books on mathematics and business, including Power Brainstorming and Business, Brains, and B.S. She’s a cancer survivor, a volunteer, an entrepreneur, a pioneer in Criterion Referenced Testing in education, and a researcher on how people learn difficult subjects in mathematics.

Hazel has spoken and written on the subjects of critical thinking, innovation, decision-making, marketing, business strategy, and leadership, and taught related subjects for the American Management Association, Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Cardean University, and DePaul’s Graduate School of Business.

Hazel specializes in a concept called mind mapping, teaching others how to use it to augment and enhance their memory, studies, planning, and more. Hazel is also a TEDxNaperville 2018 Speaker Alumnus.



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