Arthur Zards
Curator Arthur Zards will share the TEDxNaperville philosophy on what makes a great TEDx talk, and how you can find your own.
Ideashop has a limit of 30 people per session.
Arthur’s passion is teaching, coaching and creating memorable experiences.
He is the founder of Lab Z, an Experience Design agency that focuses on a new approach to create authentic engagements within organization culture, brands, events, and customers, through intentional design of emotion and meaning. A recent Lab Z development has been creating a framework for Human experience design that has been shared with top organizations and lectured at Kellogg School of Management. He is extremely excited (some would say too much) in this new area of experiences, emotion, meaning, and story in the experiential economy and welcomes anyone to have a conversation with him about this topic.
He is a self-described TED fanatic and is the founder and curator for TEDxNaperville. He has produced a decade of large scale events, experiences, and coached over 250+ speakers, from Olympic medalists, billionaire entrepreneurs and even a few astronauts on how to get their idea to stand out from the crowd.